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Writer's pictureSrajan Ratti

Modular Turret Plugin For Unreal Engine 5 in C++

Greetings everyone I am very excited to announce my new plugin Mortar Pro which provides a comprehensive solution for implementing autonomous turret guns. The plugin simplifies the development process for creating autonomous turret guns in your single-player games so that you guys can focus on other aspects of your games. This plugin is a successor of the Modular Turret C++ Plugin 2 which was released in 2020.


  • Highly Customized - The plugin allows high customization and the user can add his functionality easily.

  • Niagara Effects - The Plugin provides Niagara effects for explosions, hits, and trails.

  • High-Quality Mesh and Textures- The plugin comes with high-quality meshes for Turret guns(along with LODs), and projectiles.

  • Health System - Plugin comes with a proper health system. This system is generic and can be used in other projects as well.

  • Team system - This generic system provides team-related functionality.

  • AI - Proper AI system for target detection.

  • Multiple shooting modes - Plugin provides multiple shooting modes like Burst shooting and Semi-Automatic.

  • Aiming at moving Target - Plugin gives a solution for shooting at the predicted position based on target movement.

  • Projectiles - Plugin provides various classes of projectiles like Movement based projectiles and line trace projectiles. Further Projectiles that behave as mine, homing projectiles and flare projectiles are also present.

  • Pooling System - Plugin has a proper pooling system for managing projectile present in a level. Users can easily configure pool-related things.

  • Aggregating Tick - Furthermore system for aggregating ticks for projectile movement is also provided to improve performance.

  • Demo and Overview level - There is a separate folder for the showcase level to explain the functionalities of this plugin.

  • Documentation - The plugin provides both textual and graphic documentation on YouTube.

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