This pointer is a pointer that refers to the class object for which the member function is called.This Pointer is not a member of the object itself so doing sizeof won't include the size. This Pointer acts as a member variable but is not and instead resides in a register.
#include <iostream>
class Donut
void setDonuts(int donuts)
this->donuts = donuts;
std::cout << "Mr D'Oh can eat = " << this->donuts << " in One Go ";
int donuts;
int main()
Donut don;
In each of the non static member function calls, the address of the object is passed as a hidden variable and since there is no object involved in the static function, we cannot use this pointer in it.
For non cv(constant/volatile functions) the type of the this pointer would be X* (where X is class Name) and for cv functions, it would be cv X*.
void getDonuts() const
return this->donuts; // This Not Required Here
Here this is a const pointer to a const object which obviously won't allow modification to member variables.